Sausage Day!

The designer periodically sets aside a certain amount of time to prepare a large batch of legs for the clothes rack to replenish the inventory. The processing takes place on a small balcony to avoid being affected by floating wood dust.

Each batch consists of a significant quantity, and each small wooden stick requires careful attention. As a result, the designer is often jokingly referred to as the owner of a sausage stand grilling sausages. The legs are meticulously polished one by one, wiped clean, and then individually painted. Care must be taken when handling and placing each stick during every step. After applying the paint, the freshly painted sticks are flipped over a minute or two later to check for any uneven paint or drips. Then, the entire process starts again.

Often, a day or two passes in this manner. Sometimes, after working for a while, the designer finds themselves unintentionally smiling. 🤪


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